Saturday, April 3, 2010

its official!

i'm moving back to michigan! (who woulda thunk?!) i got the official ok from the big dietitian boss at children's hospital and i'm doing the pediatric fellowship there. i am SO excited to finally get the chance to work with kids! and for longer than a two week rotation. annd i can't wait to write a note and sign it with, Megan Comer, R.D. how exciting is that?! weird that i have letters after my name. too bad they haven't gotten me a paying job thus far...ugh.

i know this fellowship is a gift and i think i'm very blessed to be doing it because they are not publicly offering it since they did not receive any grant money this year. but the fact that i did not have to interview for it and am not getting paid one single penny to do it keeps messing with my head. which i know sounds stupid, but its how my head works. i keep thinking, oh this is a last resort because no one wants to hire me. BUT i know that this is where i'm supposed to be, as much as its not any fun to be working pro bono once again. it's what i want for my career and this will give me an excellent foot in the door when i try to get a peds position. and i prayed for clarity with what i was suppose to choose, and then i got rejected from all the applications i had out and was not offered the Akron position. pretty straight forward right? i was still mad at God though for getting rejected. funny how we pray for these things and when they aren't exactly what we really want or think we need, we get mad at Him. sorry God.

anyways, i'm starting probably one month from today and living with ryann's boyfriend john who's doing an internship at the dearborn police dept. ha! kind of funny, but it will work out well, i'll def feel safer living with him! off to watch new moon with tay tay :) so glad my family is home from vaca, i missed them a lot. happy easter!

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